Why is Pakvolt the Right Choice?

By choosing us, you are opting for a guarantee and stability of energy supply

PAK-Volt has modern, ecological, and sustainable solutions. We offer a wide range of options for the sale of natural gas and electricity, including that from our own renewable sources. Additionally, we provide customized products designed with our clients' specific requirements in mind.

Energy of the future
Makes the world perfect
Trusted By
What Can You Achieve with PAK-Volt?

PAK-Volt is a partner that brings tangible benefits to your business.

Full support from the Advisor

You will receive support from our expert, regardless of the scale of your business. You can always count on professional advice and assistance.

Guaranteed Reliability of Electricity Supply
Continuity and dependability of energy delivery for your safety and comfort.
Flexible Approach to Customers
Providing individual solutions designed to meet your specific requirements.
Attractive Commercial Terms
Competitive prices, tailored products, and beneficial solutions for your business.

Stay updated with PAK-VOLT events and insights.

Hydrogen Energy

The Polsat Plus Group and ZE-PAK will build 5 more hydrogen refueling stations.

Spółki PAK-PCE Biopaliwa i Wodór oraz PAK-PCE Stacje H2 z Grupy Polsat Plus podpisały umowę grantową z Europejską Agencją Wykonawczą ds. Klimatu, Infrastruktury i Środowiska (CINEA – The E...
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Electric Power

The Polsat Plus Group and ZE-PAK are investing in the largest wind energy project in Poland

Grupa Polsat Plus i ZE PAK nawiązały współpracę, aby zrealizować największy w Polsce projekt wiatrowy o łącznej mocy przyłączeniowej 500 MW. Projekt, zlokalizowany w województwie opolskim,...
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Hydrogen Energy

PAK-Volt supplies energy to hydrogen stations that will serve 26 NesoBus buses in Chełm.

Miasto Chełm w wyniku przeprowadzonego przetargu wybrało Grupę Polsat Plus i ZE PAK jako dostawcę 26 zeroemisyjnych, ekologicznych autobusów wodorowych NesoBus. Dostawa autobusów ma odbyć się ...
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Contact Us

Take Advantage of Our Offer in Three Simple Steps

Talk to a Sales Representative

Call or leave your contact information using the form, and we will take care of the rest and tailor the offer to your needs and expectations.

Sign the Contract

Sign the electricity or natural gas sales contract for your company, and we will handle the process of changing the supplier and provide balancing services.

Enjoy 100% Eco-Friendly Green Energy

Enjoy a customized approach designed to meet the customer’s requirements.